Traffic accidents account for almost half of all accidental deaths in Britain and are the largest single cause of death and injury to young adults. Statistically, new drivers are over 50% more likely to be involved in accident in the first year of passing their driving test as their reaction times can be slower than a more experienced driver by up to 2 seconds. Although the Hazard Perception section of the theory test is meant to examine candidates' ability to assess potential dangers, such skills can truly only be mastered by additional practice behind the wheel of a car with a competent driver trainer. Most of the Pass Plus subjects are covered in the car but some may be covered in theory if it is not practical to actually reproduce the conditions (such as snow or ice as for example). Pass Plus is an extra course that you are able to take once you have passed your basic driving test and after you hold a full UK drivers license. The course is a minimum of 6 hours in-car with your instructor on a one-to-one basis. Although there is no test to take at the end of it, it provides extra experience and positive driving skills that might otherwise take a long time to obtain. It is backed by the government and the Driving Standards Agency. Pass Plus should be taken no more than 1 year after passing the basic driving test and certification thereafter lasts for 2 years. Once completed, as well as having been provided with additional training in important subjects such as: motorway driving, night-driving and driving in poor weather conditions, certification also entitles the holder to a reduced insurance premium from a large number of UK motor insurers. Most Pass Plus students find that the cost of the additional course is more than offset by the savings they enjoyed in their insurance premiums.